…His mantra to farmers was "get big or get out", and he urged farmers to plant commodity crops such as corn "from fencerow to fencerow"
To understand why we have to find niches to fill, we need to first understand what happened to small farms; the two go hand in hand. The quote above references Earl Butz (teehee), the Secretary of Agriculture from 1971 to 1976, when he spoke about the small family farm. He suggested that if they were not willing to purchase machinery and increase crop production, regardless of whether they could sell it all, they should get out of the trade.
Historically, farmers in our country have been taken advantage of by...well, everyone, but that's a story for another time. There have been a few instances since the 1900s where farming booms benefited farmers, but they were always followed by long periods of hardships or existed within inflated bubbles like in the 70s. Nowadays, large acreage farms, leveraging agricultural grants and write-offs, and accumulating debt on heavy machinery, dominate the industry.
The aspect of large farms that bothers me the most is how they have eliminated the majority of generationally resilient, cantankerous, and freedom-loving individuals: farmers. We transitioned from a large group of people who historically stood up to dictators and government overreach when pushed, to a handful of individuals driving giant equipment and being bound by specific seed purchases and mandated sprays.
I don't blame modern farmers for making a living within the confines they are forced to operate. Our population as a whole has been manipulated for decades into becoming more docile. Sadly, America lost its domestic front line of defense against overstepping politicians when Earl and his cronies began forcing small farms out of competition due to factors often beyond their control. Now, we find ourselves in a serf and noble arrangement, where those who profit most from the land being worked might not even be in the same country, let alone the same county.
It paints a bleak picture, and a decision must be made to either bring about change or continue the same cycle. Kayla and I are designing our offerings on our homestead around the philosophy of "fill the niche." We are exploring ways to integrate various products and experiences on our property that not only attract people for the purpose of purchasing but also foster a personal connection with the individuals who grow their food and cultivate a sense of community.
To ensure a niche is realistic, I believe several things must be considered.
First and foremost, it is important to examine the niche from the perspective of the buyer, rather than the emotional attachment of the homesteader.
What does the niche provide that the buyer values?
How does marketing work with a niche product?
Lastly, the homesteader needs to be able to effectively pitch the niche and engage with people.
For the sake of honesty, I am guilty of underestimating and not following each of the above points on more than one occasion, but none more so than the first one. Kayla, my anchor to reality, serves as my niche critic. If I can't sell it to my best friend, then perhaps the niche was either wishful thinking or meant for another time, just don’t take it personally if it gets shot down. Even after a decade together, I still take it personally to some degree because I am so convinced it is a good idea. However, what I really need to do is calm my ego and trust my wife. Talk to your friends and family and gauge their reaction as the first step.
Identifying a product to offer as a niche is the easiest part of the whole process. In my family's case, we are raising different types of pastured poultry, offering a turkey box around Thanksgiving, and creating an environment where it is enjoyable to pick up your food and experience the serenity...and the occasional cry of guinea fowl, but mostly serenity. A niche doesn't have to be limited to a product; it can also be an experience, such as an overnight camping spot set up away from the house or training classes on different topics. Why not combine all three if possible? The homestead trifecta!
Ironically enough, the hardest part for me personally is marketing. There is so much noise on social media and spam in emails that the capture rate must be incredibly low, although I don't know the exact number. By combining multiple platforms and mediums, we hope to grow through both traditional and non-traditional means. For example, we maintain a blog tied to an Instagram account, but we also plan to distribute flyers in neighborhoods and local businesses. However, there are limitations on where you can advertise animals for sale online. Facebook Marketplace, for instance, absolutely won't allow you to post about poultry for sale, which is a shame because many people still use it.
The last point is where the emotional and passionate side comes into play, which is crucial for face-to-face business. I witnessed this often when I worked in retail jewelry years ago. People would specifically come in to speak with certain salespeople because of the connection established years ago during their initial purchase. Although it wasn't my passion, and I doubt anyone ever returned for me, my dear friend Bill had customers who had been seeing him longer than I had been alive.
At their core, people are still social creatures, and relationships still matter. Creating an engaging and genuine atmosphere for relationships to grow is precisely the kind of niche that no big farm can compete with, despite all their resources.
I don’t have Instagram, but I signed up on Substack just for your information. I’m local and hope to get a turkeybox or two from you this month. I’m brand new and have no clue how this works, but I look forward to having contact with you or Kayla:) God bless.
Amen brother!
I believe You and Kayla are doing this for all the right reasons. Family, friends, and a love for homesteading. Keep up the great work!